YOGYAKARTA - The term question trap became popular after the inaugural debate event for the Vice President. Paslon number 2, Gibran Rakabuming, is considered to provide a query trap or trap question to other vice presidents who are opponents of the debate. So what is a question trap and for example?

Gibran Rakabuming is considered to have used a question trap when asking a question about the State of The Global Islamic Economy (SGIE) to Cak Imin. The question raised by Prabowo Subianto made the candidate for the candidate pair 1 confused.

Many people think that the use of a query trap during a debate is bad intentions. The strategy of the question is considered aimed at trapping the opponents of the debate. Actually, question traps are also often found not only in the context of debate, but can be found in other moments. That's why it's important to know what a question trap is.

The question trap is a trap question that is conveyed by someone with the aim that the interlocutor is difficult, can't, until he gets the wrong answer. The question trap is a manipulative strategy using questions that are often used to reduce or damage a person's reputation.

The question trap is in the spotlight in contemporary communication dynamics. The question trap often arises in the form of questions that are carefully planned to make someone convey answers that are not right or wrong. People who are the target question trap are likely to provide answers that can be interpreted negatively or doubt.

For example, in a premise question 'why do you always take detrimental actions?'. This question creates the presumption that a person has a history of repeatedly or often doing detrimental actions.

As mentioned earlier, question traps are often used for negative purposes in debate situations or communication with someone. In the context of social media and debate, this type of question is often used to build controversy or attract attention in a detrimental way.

People who are the target of the question trap will find it difficult to defend themselves or convey their views objectively. Because this question is often built or contains assumptions that harm the opponent of communication or the person who is the target of the question.

The question trap is not only detrimental to individuals, but can also hinder the course of dialogue. This condition was created when the question was used not to seek understanding, but to corner or attack the interlocutor. The existence of a question trap makes space for debates unproductive and limited.

In the vice presidential debate, the use of the question trap is played interestingly and quite controversially. This question tax raises debates about ethics and effectiveness in political communication.

For example, what happened in the last presidential debate, when Gibran was accused of using a question trap strategy. This happened when Gibran asked Cak Imin's income and steps regarding SGIE.

The use of question traps in political debates has opened wide discussions regarding communications and rhetoric used in the political realm. This strategy could have a significant impact on public perceptions of candidates and political issues. But on the other hand, the question trap is considered as part of an intelligent debate strategy.

In dealing with the type of question trap, awareness of the context of questions is the main key. To avoid question traps, each speaker needs to understand to ask more open questions, examine the underlying assumptions, and provide understanding that helps avoid misunderstandings or conflicts.

Demikianlah review tentang apa itu question trap yang kerap digunakan dalam debatasi. Mengenai penggunaan question trap, ada pihak yang pro dan ada juga yang kontra. Apakah dalam depat ketiga pada 7 Januari akan muncul question trap? Baca juga berita jelang debat Capres tema pertahanan dan keamanan.

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