PDI-P (PDIP) politician Aria Bima said the Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD and Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN) camps did not believe that the 2024 presidential election would be one round. Instead, he suspects that there are parties who are trying to glorify through the survey agency.

This was conveyed by Aria when asked about communication with the AMIN camp regarding the second round. He initially mentioned the second pair camp, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who was too confident in the one-round presidential election, even though he was followed by three candidates.

(Kubu, red) 02 is too sure about one round. We with 01 not sure one round, definitely two rounds," said Aria at the Media Center TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Central Jakarta, quoted Tuesday, January 2.

Aria admitted that he had spoken about this one-round phenomenon with the AMIN camp. As a result, they suspect that there are parties who are trying to lead public opinion through a survey.

"Because of this, this is a public opinion, it was built through a survey and then it was glorified in one round, then a survey that was supposed to take pictures of reality but this leads to the reality of the existing opinion," he said.

This survey, called Aria, was deliberately made up allegedly to make the Ganjar-Mahfud and AMIN camps dizzy. "Everything is made in one round, so there is a survey institution design," said the member of the DPR RI.

However, these two camps are claimed by Aria not to panic. He only regretted that this kind of method should not be done.

Aria also emphasized that his party did not distrust the methodology used by survey institutions. "Don't let there be an attempt to lead opinions through a one-round survey as if it were democratic," he said.

"While the aspect in the implementation of one round is the work of the apparatus. This is what is dangerous. We agree that officials should not be used to mobilize support by justifying their preconditions as survey institutions," concluded Aria.

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