Child Raped By Stepfather In South Jakarta, Mother Reluctant To Report Police For Fear Of Being A Widow
The victim's cousin showed evidence of Police Report (Doc.Jehan/Voi)

Fitri as the victim's cousin, S (11) revealed that the victim's mother refused to make a police report even though she knew that her continued husband had the initials H was suspected of raping her biological child. The reason is that the victim's mother is afraid to become a widow for the second time, if her husband is imprisoned later. "Her mother feels that her husband (husband continued) is not wrong. Her mother refuses to make a police report, for fear of being imprisoned and continues to be a widow again," Fitri said when met in the Kebayoran area. Long, South Jakarta, Sunday, December 31. On that basis, S complained against himself and his grandmother. Because his biological mother did not side with him.Fitri, who is a family representative, decided to make a police report against his stepfather, the victim with the initials H on Friday, December 22, 2023. The report was registered with LP/3919/XII/2023/SPKT/SPOLRES METRO SOUTH JAKARTA/POLDA METRO JAYA. "He came to say 'Mamah Tasya help me, I ask for help'. If I'm in my position "That's how it is. I just want to help. That's why I made a police report, "he said. The same thing was said by the General Chairperson of the National Commission for Child Protection (PA) Lia Latifah. He confirmed that his biological mother did not side with the victim, but to her continued husband. Therefore, he gave a warning to the victim's mother. Because according to him, the role of mother should be important for the child to always defend his child in all the problems he received. "I communicated with his mother, she cried, she admitted that he was wrong because he did not defend his biological child, "he said. Currently, the victim is being placed at his grandmother's house in the Kebayoran Lama area, South Jakarta. The goal is that the victim does not remember what happened and feels safe with his grandmother. "The victim is currently at his grandmother's house. Let it be safe with his grandmother," he said. Victim Allegedly Raped Since 5 Elementary Schools A boy with the initials S (11) is suspected of being a victim of rape by his stepfather with the initials H in the Pesanggrahan area, Jakarta Selatan.Pubpu korban, Fitri mengatakan korban telah mendapatkan pencabulan hingga pemerkosaan itu sejak tahun 2022. Namun, dirinya tidak mengetahui lebih jauh terkait pertama kalinya tindakan tersebut.Yah sejak kelas 5 SD. Katanya saya (korban) pernah dibain ayah secara terutap. Disuruh duduk duduk di lapukur kami dia, selanjutnya ayah megang-mengang tergoba-baja, dia dicabulin terus teropah, kata Fitri saat ditemui di kawasan Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan, Sabtu, 30 Desember.

Based on the victim's confession, the alleged perpetrator often committed the act of obscenity. However, the action was not reported because the victim received threats from the alleged perpetrator. "There is a threat from his father. He often admits that to me," he said.

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