JAKARTA - Indonesia Calling (IM) 57+ Institute assesses that Polda Metro Jaya should immediately detain Firli Bahuri regarding the alleged extortion or acceptance of gratuities from former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo. Moreover, he has been dismissed as Chairman of the KPK by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"Dismissal is a momentum to detain and process Firli Bahuri's crime," said Chairman of the IM 57+ Institute, Praswad Nugraha, to reporters in a written statement quoted on Saturday, December 30.

Praswad assessed that the series of ethical decisions read by the KPK Supervisory Board to Firli's dismissal were a form of support for the police to process Firli. "So forced efforts against Firli Bahuri must be carried out immediately," he said.

Not only that, Praswad assessed that the police could immediately investigate Firli's assets. "It is possible that his origins are also obtained from illegal sources," said the former KPK employee.

The momentum for Firli's dismissal should also be a momentum for the anti-corruption commission to start a new beginning. Moreover, the KPK is currently not trusted by the public from the results of a number of surveys.

One way to do this is by canceling the extension of the leadership's term of office and re-election. Praswad assessed that this step made sense because it was not impossible for Firli to invite other people to take action.

Firli's actions are not impossible not to be done alone. This means that everything that has the potential to hinder cases must be stopped and a thorough investigation of all alleged irregularities by other leaders," said Praswad.

As previously reported, President Jokowi officially dismissed Firli Bahuri as Chairman of the KPK through Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 129/P of 2023.

The signing was carried out on Thursday night, December 28. This process took place in the middle of investigating allegations of extortion or receiving gratuities handled by the Polda Metro Jaya.

There are three things that underlie the issuance of the Presidential Decree. First, Firli has written to resign from his position.

Then, President Jokowi also paid attention to the decision of the KPK Supervisory Board Number 03 / SUPERVISORY BOARD / ETIK / 12/2023 which was read out on Wednesday, December 27. In it, it is stated that Firli committed three ethical violations, one of which was meeting with the former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

The Supervisory Board decided the meeting as a serious violation so that President Jokowi was recommended to dismiss Firli.

Finally, President Jokowi signed the Presidential Decree for referring to Article 32 of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019.

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