The Commander of the Prabowo-Gibran National Youth Voter Campaign Team (TKN Fanta), Arief Rosyid Hasan, asked election organizers to be more careful in preparing for the 2024 General Election properly so as not to cause harm to other parties.

Arief said this when asked about the thousands of ballots that the KPU had sent to Taiwan outside the predetermined schedule.

"Yes, we remind all parties, including the organizers, to prepare for this election properly, honestly and with the slightest technical matters, there is no mistake," said Arief, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, December 29.

According to him, all election organizers must ensure that the election is an event once every five years, can run honestly and fairly.

He explained that all forms of technical matters must be considered so as not to cause mistakes that lead to a decline in the credibility of the institution.

Areif believes that election organizers have evaluated and will be more careful in making arrangements regarding the ballot.

"Hopefully the evaluation will make readiness not only at home but abroad, which incidentally early must be prepared properly," he said.

Previously, the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) clarified allegations of misprocedures in the distribution of ballots for the 2024 General Election in Taipei, Taiwan, which had been sent to voters on December 18 and 25, 2023.

The Coordinator of the Puadi Bawaslu Violation Handling Division explained that sending ballots from the Overseas Election Committee (PPLN) to voters by postal method based on the 25th PKPU attachment in 2023 should only take place on January 2 to 11, 2024 or 30 days before the day and voting date, February 14, 2024.

"So, thus there are allegations of election administration violations committed by the Overseas Voting Organizing Group (KPPSLN) post and/or PPLN Taipei," said Puadi at the Bawaslu office, Jakarta, Thursday (28/12).

Regarding the 31,276 ballots declared by the KPU as ballots damaged, he continued, Bawaslu was of the view that there were no ballot criteria damaged due to an error in the delivery procedure.

The reason, continued Puadi, in KPU Decree Number 1395 of 2023 on page 19 regarding the criteria for ballots to be damaged, there are no points that mention the wrong procedure in sending as an indicator to state that ballots are damaged.

"Thus there is no legal reason for the KPU to declare a total of 31,276 ballots that have been sent by PPLN Taipei to voters as ballots damaged," he explained.

Not only that, Puadi also said that Bawaslu was worried that the determination of ballots that had been sent as ballots would be damaged and asked that sending a replacement ballot would lead to more complex potential problems.

The KPU also clarified to PPLN in Taipei regarding the error after it went viral or was excited on social media about a video of voters in Taiwan claiming to have received a ballot.

KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari revealed that the KPU had taken four actions over this error. First, the ballot that has been sent to voters in Taiwan is declared to be categorized as damaged and not taken into account.

Second, the KPU will send a replacement ballot to PPLN in Taipei according to the number that has been sent to voters before January 2, 2024. Third, ballots that have not been sent will be sent according to the schedule set, namely January 2, 2024.

Fourth, the broken ballot will be marked if it is returned to PPLN. At the same time, the replacement ballots and ballots that have not been sent will also be marked to distinguish them from the ballots that have been sent.

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