JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo left a message to village heads to be able to maintain the implementation of the 2024 General Election in villages in a peaceful and smooth manner.

"So, the President entrusted us with the village heads who were present to guard, this election was really no fraud, this election was peaceful. For what reason, if the situation is like, apologize, maybe decades ago, this should not happen," said the General Treasurer of the DPP Association of Indonesian Village Apparatus (Papdesi) Sujiono after meeting President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Palace Jakarta, Friday.

Sujiono said the people in the village want the election to be carried out well, without the need for things to disturb peace.

"We people below really want us to be able to run the election by just enjoying it," said Sujiono.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of the DPP Papdesi Senthot Rudi Prastiono said that in the meeting with President Jokowi, there was an alliance of village heads across associations, namely Apdesi, the Association of Village Heads (AKD) throughout East Java and the Association of Indonesian Village Governments (Apdesi).

Senthot said that during a meeting with President Jokowi, there were absolutely no political talks related to directions to support certain candidates.

According to Senthot, the alliance leaves it to individual village heads personally to make their own choices.

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