CIANJUR - The Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of Cianjur Regency, West Java, put stickers on 1,068 villas that are in arrears of taxes in two sub-districts in the northern region of Cianjur, as an effort to increase Regional Original Revenue (PAD) towards the end of 2023 which has not been achieved.

Head of Sub Division (Kasubbag) Collection and Control of Cianjur Bapenda Deni Hamdani said the owner of the villa who had not paid the tax was an outside resident of Cianjur, so he was fitted with a sticker so that taxpayers would pay immediately.

"The thousands of villas are located in two sub-districts, Cipanas and Pacet, where owners have been in arrears of taxes for two to three years, so the stickers installed can remind them to immediately pay their obligations," Deni said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, December 28.

The thousand villas with stickers, he continued, belonged to Jabodetabek residents, who on average had tax arrears for two to three years, so they were expected to be paid immediately because they could help with development in Cianjur.

He explained that so far the villa owners in the two sub-districts have not paid taxes because they rarely come or ignore bills that are always tucked in at villa doors after coordinating with luxury housing security such as Kota Bunga, Colibah and other housing.

"The installation of warning stickers so that owners immediately pay taxes is Bapenda Cianjur's effort to increase local revenue from the tax sector in the hope that the owner will pay so that it can increase awareness of taxpayers paying taxes," he said.

Head of the Regional Tax Collection Division of the Cianjur Bapenda, Prihadi Wahyu Santosa, said that of the 11 regional tax sectors, three of them had exceeded the target, such as entertainment taxes, billboards, and swallow's nest.

"The entertainment tax has reached 101.40 percent, the billboard tax is 102.05 percent, and swallow's nest is 107.69 percent, while the other eight sectors have approached the target at 82 to 94 percent," he said.

His party targets the achievement of regional income from the tax sector to be achieved 100 percent or Rp 247 billion before the end of the year, so that dozens of officers are deployed to a number of sub-districts to collect directly from taxpayers.

Eight regional tax sectors ranging from hotel taxes, restaurant taxes, street lighting tax, parking tax, underground water tax, non-metallic and rock mineral taxes, earth and building taxes (PBB), as well as land and building rights Obtainment Tax (BPHTB), continue to be boosted until the end of the year.

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