SENTANI - The body of former Papua Governor Lukas Enembe who was about to be buried in Jayapura, Papua on Thursday, December 28, was chaotic today. A number of anarchist masses damaged vehicles and public facilities.

In the video circulating, a number of residents were seen running around until a car was burned to the ground. A government-owned bank building was damaged.

Not only that, the anarchist masses damaged parked motorbikes and trucks belonging to the TNI were targeted by stone-throwing until they broke.

"Yes, it is true that the masses were provoked so that they carried out a riot by throwing stones at the public facilities and targeting the security forces," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo when confirmed via text message.

However, Benny still has not detailed further about the riots and how many vehicles and buildings were damaged.

Previously, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives from Papua Yunus Wonda stated that the funeral of former Papua Governor Lukas Enembe was held on Thursday afternoon.

"The funeral of Lukas Enembe must be carried out in the afternoon, our culture of no funeral is held at night," Deputy Speaker of the Papua House of Representatives Yunus Wonda quoted ANTARA as saying.

According to Wonda, the body of Lukas Enembe from Sentani Airport will be taken to STAKIN to get the final tribute from students and the Papuan people. The body was then taken to a burial place in Central Koya, Muara Tami District, Jayapura City, Papua.

"So Mr (Lukas Enembe) is in the hearse and the younger students walk in front, but must maintain security so that it remains conducive," he said.

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