BENGKULU - The Mukomuko Regency Government (Pemkab) will receive a disbursement of Rp19 billion for road construction and improvement of irrigation channels. The budget comes from the thematic special allocation fund (DAK). Head of the Mukomuko Regency Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) Office (PUPR) Apriansyah said the thematic DAK would be received by the Mukomuko Regency Government in 2024. "From the DAK of more than Rp19 billion, for the road area there are two points, with a budget of more than Rp9 billion, and another point of Rp8.6 billion, then two-point irrigation construction, amounting to Rp2.2 billion or Rp1.1 billion each," he said in Mukomuko, Bengkulu, Wednesday 27 December, confiscated by Antara. He explained that the road sector had two points, one of which was the road section in the Rerik District area, namely the continuation of DAK last year was completed in 2024, namely the Wonosoba Village connecting road section to Lubuk Selandak Village. Then the thematic DAK for road construction in residential units (SP) IX and SP VIII, namely Tanjung Mulya Village to Sumber Makmur Village, Lubuk Pinang District.

Then, DAK for the water resources sector in this area, he said, two points, namely the fund for the activity of increasing the Irrigation Area (DI) Irrigation channel in Selagan Raya Subdistrict. "God willing, the two DAKs can run in early 2024 because of the planned operation (RK) for the construction of two roads and the improvement of the final irrigation canal," he said. The Minister of Finance (PMK) came out, we immediately conducted an auction of activities sourced from the DAK," he said.

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