JAKARTA - The Indonesian Political Indicators survey institute recorded public perceptions after yesterday's vice presidential debate (cawapres). As a result, the majority of the people assessed the performance of cawapres number 2, Gibran Rakabuming was the most bankrupt because he successfully 'beaten' his two rivals on the debate stage. Main researcher of Indonesian Political Indicators Burhanuddin Muhtadi, said that out of a total of 1.217 respondents who were sampled, as many as 35.9 percent of respondents who watched, 56.2 percent considered Gibran Rakabuming Raka as winners. In public perception, he said, Gibran managed to win a landslide in the vice presidential debate stage on December 22 yesterday. Of those who witnessed the debate, at most 56.2 percent, Gibran assessed as the vice presidential candidate who performed the best in the debate event," said Burhanuddin when explaining the survey results entitled Peta Electoral Post-Debat Candidates and Cawapres' virtually, Tuesday, December 26. The survey of Indicators was conducted through a telephone interview on December 23-24, 2023, with a total of 1.217 respondents selected through the dilanged random digit method (265 respondents) and double sampling (952 respondents). The confidence level reached 95 percent. In the survey, Indicators asked the public who performed the best in the economic, fiscal, and urban debates. As a result, the majority of the public considered Gibran who was the most prominent companion to Mahfud MD or Muhaimin Iskandar. The findings of Indicators, as many as 56.2 percent of the people who judged Gibran managed to beat Mahfud and Muhaimin on the debate stage. While Muhaimin was only 12.3 percent. Even if viewed from the side of the work program presented, continued Burhanuddin, the public also assessed what Gibran was conveyed as the best. "That's because as many as 42.9 percent who supported Gibran," he said.

While the second position was Mahfud with 25.3 percent, then Muhaimin 19.7 percent. "Of those who witnessed the debate, 42.9 percent considered Gibran the best vice presidential candidate for his work program," said Burhanuddin.

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