Presidential candidate (candidate) number 3, Ganjar Pranowo visited Sukoharjo to visit a cafe which was considered to exemplify creative ways to attract millennials to work together to fight for something authentic.

"What's interesting is that there is a cooperative (cooperation). So the farmers, the tree growers, all of them sell there, the manufacturer (home) also sells there," said Ganjar at Nguter Market, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Tuesday 26 December, confiscated by Antara.

This market is located in Nguter Village, one of the areas in Sukoharjo which is the center of traditional herbal medicine. A number of herbal concoctors used to try to preserve the tradition of mixing healthy beverages in the archipelago. Now gradually decreasing to develop rapidly into hundreds of herbal entrepreneurs centered at the Nguter Herbal Medicine Market. In the market, there are various emponents as the main raw material for making traditional herbal medicines. In addition, there are also herbal products that have been packaged ready to drink.

The herbal medicine cooperative, which was originally established to accommodate 15 traditional herbal medicine craftsmen in Nguter and Sukoharjo, is now based on the latest data collected, the total number has increased to 112 herbal entrepreneurs and traders.

Traditional herbal medicine sellers in Nguter can remain sustainable because they have been fighting for quality standards for herbal medicine products for generations since their businesses started from grandmothers to children, grandchildren and so on in that place.

By preparing 100 percent of natural ingredients, each generation develops contemporary herbal products with fairly strict production quality control in each process so that herbal medicine can reach abroad.

"When I went to Suriname, it turns out that here it has been exported there. The point is that packaging innovation has started to be more interesting, because the younger generation involved are actively involved in innovating in herbal products," said Ganjar.

On that occasion, Ganjar tried to taste herbal medicine at the place, even ordering two glasses.

The first, herbal koko kunir asem, is a mixture of sour and coconut turmeric turmeric. Both ginger water are efficacious to reduce sore throat inflammation.

Of the number of permanent voters for the 2024 General Election, 204,807,222 voters are young people. With details, 6,697 voters are under 17 years old (because they are married) and 63,953,031 voters are 17-30 years old.

Ganjar assessed that similar methods in Sukoharjo must be adapted to encourage the active participation of the novice voters in the upcoming February 14 vote.

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