LAMPUNG - Fire and Rescue Service (Damkarmat) officers in South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province, managed to extinguish a land fire in the Lematang toll exit area, Jatiagung District, on Sunday night.

"There has been a land fire in the toll road area km 74 near the Exit of the Lematang Toll Road on Sunday night at around 19.02 WIB," said Head of the Fire Department at the South Lampung Damkarmat Service, Rully Fikriansyah, Sunday, December 24.

He said that his party had difficulty dealing with the land fire, because the conditions at the scene contained strong winds and dry grass which resulted in flammable.

"The fire department team deployed 2 fire engines from the Jatiagung and Tanjung Bintang posts," he said.

He said the Jatiagung Command Post Damkar team who received the report at 19.02 WIB immediately rushed to the location by deploying two fire engines.

He explained that at around 20.10 WIB, the fire was successfully extinguished, and the firefighters continued to monitor and cool down in the area where the incident occurred.

"Members arrived at 19.15 WIB and the fire was extinguished at 20.10 WIB, for victims zero and losses cannot be ascertained," he said.

Until this news was made, there has been no explanation of how much land the fire had experienced.

For this incident, Rully appealed to the public to increase awareness of the potential for forest and land fires (karhutla) in the area.

He said public awareness is very important to increase awareness in clearing agricultural land. His party also appealed to residents who cross the road that have the potential to catch fire, not to throw away cigarette butts because it can trigger a fire.

"We urge the public to be more careful in using the fire, not to throw away the remaining or cigarette butts on the side of the road because it can cause fires," he added.

Until now, South Lampung districts still often experience land fires, where the main cause is the negligence of humans who often throw cigarette sticks and burn land.

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