JAKARTA Two implementations of the presidential candidate debate and in particular the vice presidential candidate are considered not to reflect the debate between employees wrapped in ethnicity. The KPU is asked to focus on producing debates between prospective national leaders.

Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Anang Sujoko, assessed that the debate for the level of presidential and vice presidential candidates should prioritize the debate over the portion of wisdom and maturity strategies as a candidate for a leader.

He saw particularly in the vice presidential debate, the KPU as the organizer seemed to allow the existence of a trap that cornered the candidate because he did not have an understanding in the specified theme.

"I saw especially in the vice presidential candidate, the KPU allowed a trap with a theme that might have been designed, indeed the person concerned was related to legal issues but was framed with economic problems," said Anang, Sunday, December 24.

Supposedly, he continued, the debate took place by providing space for candidates to convey their thoughts with the presentation of a statesman. Not trapping opponents of debate so that they don't move because they don't understand the theme.

"Likewise, Mr. Muhaimin uses the term sharia economy which is really not controlled by his competitors. But I see that in that field it should not allow recitation with the questions that trap themes, preventing opponents from moving," he added.

Anang suggested, in the three remaining debates, the KPU made the event to explore the potential for future leadership candidates.

The presentation of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates which led to a wise way of thinking for statesmen is no longer trapping non-moved opponents. It is unethical according to the customs, especially in the debate of prospective statesmen," he concluded.

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