SERANG - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts that some of the weather in the Banten Province will be cloudy with a air temperature of 24-34 degrees Celsius.BMKG Class I Data and Information Coordinator Serang Tatang Rusmana in Serang Banten said that some of the weather in the Banten area was cloudy with a air temperature of 24-34 degrees Celsius throughout Sunday, December 24. Cloudy sunny weather opportunities occur in Lebak Regency, Cilegon City, Serang City, Tangerang City, and South Tangerang City (Tangsel). Meanwhile, during the day there is a chance of moderate intensity rain in Serang Regency, and early morning in Tangerang Regency.

In addition, the average humidity is 55-90 percent and the wind moves from southeast to west at 05-20 kilometers/hour. BMKG also issued an early warning alert for the potential for heavy rain accompanied by lightning/lat and strong winds in the northern region of Serang Regency. In addition, the BMKG issued an early warning wave height of 2,50 meters (momentum) occurred in the southern waters of Banten and the South Indian Ocean of Banten, coastal areas of Lebak Regency. Likewise, the wave height of 2,50 meters in the waters of the Sunda Strait South, South Banten and, South Indian Ocean Banten, coastal areas of Pandeglang Regency. Meanwhile, Merak - Bakauheni crossing is relatively normal and safe for shipping operators of Ferry ships, cruises, barges, cargoes, and fishing boats with the Sunda Strait's northern part of 1.25 meters (low).

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