SURABAYA - Dozens of whales were stranded on the coast of Paterman Village, Modung District, Bangkalan Madura, East Java. It is not yet known why the whales were stranded.

"Yesterday there were tens of mas, 50 more if I'm not mistaken. Earlier I and the residents counted 38 of them, the rest had returned to the sea at high tide," said Rois Alfarista, a resident of Blega Village, Madura, confirmed on Friday, February 19.

Rois said the whale flock was estimated at 50 tails. They come in various sizes, ranging from small, medium, to large.

"Some are small in size, some are up to 5 meters. This morning there were officers from the BKSDA, some of them had already been evacuated," he said.

According to Rois, the reason the whales were stranded was because they spent too long in the shallow waters at high tide. When the sea water recedes and is swept away by the current, the whales are stranded on the shoreline.

Knowing this, residents of Kampung Baton, Patereman Village, Modung District, immediately captured the moment of a flock of spear-type whales targeting local waters and uploading them to social media.

According to Rois, the local community had attempted to return the mammal belonging to the Belin Whale Suborder to deeper waters. However, this is in vain because the size and weight of the whale is bigger, compared to a group of citizens who want to evacuate it.

"We were pushed into the middle of the sea by residents and assisted by the police from the Modung Police so they would not be stranded," he said.

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