JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartonomerintahkan sub-district and village head in DKI Jakarta to regularly travel his area every morning and evening to anticipate the problems that will arise.

"Please sub-district and village heads take time every morning and evening to travel the area. If there are obstacles or problems, immediately report them to the mayor or mayor," said Heru when inaugurating supervisory and administrators within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov), at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 21.

He emphasized that supervisors and administrators in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government should go to their respective areas more often.

"I control the main tasks immediately, work well, especially the sub-district and village heads, I ask to love the region," he said.

Heru advised the 388 newly appointed officials to be able to master their respective duties, principal and functions (tupoksi) so that they can work quickly to build their respective areas.

"So that public services can run more optimally and do not disappoint the public," he said.

In addition, Heru also requested that every official in the area can add a sleeping area location that can be arranged into a beautiful and beautiful green open space (RTH).

"If there is excavation work, please return it to its original location immediately, repair the roads or sidewalks that are excavated. So that roads and sidewalks in Jakarta are again good and beautiful," said Heru, quoted by ANTARA.

Then, Heru reminded that ASN who have been appointed must be able to maintain integrity and integrity in carrying out their duties as state servants. Every official should not abuse his authority and position for personal or certain groups or groups.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you don't have to think about anything, just work according to the main tasks with integrity and neutrality. Continue to improve yourself. Work as well as possible to carry out the mandate of the people of Jakarta," said Heru.

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