JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Grace Natalie claims that vice presidential candidate number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka, is the only candidate who has executive experience. Grace is optimistic that Gibran will appear surprising in the second debate or vice presidential debate tomorrow.

Grace initially revealed the preparations for the candidate debate that Gibran will undergo. According to him, Jan Ethes' father only needed calm.

"If you noise too much, you finally want to be as ready as you can affect it. The important thing is that in this case the key is calm, because Mas Gibran should already have everything. He is the perpetrator in this matter, not just a theory, so we are optimistic that Mas Gibran can as long as he can continue to maintain his mood, maintain a good mentality, so there is nothing special preparation," said Grace at the Secretariat, West Jakarta, Thursday, December 21.

Grace assessed that Gibran was still serving as Mayor of Solo ahead of the debate held by the KPU at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), tomorrow night. He admitted that he did not know where Gibran would go to the debate location, whether directly or from the residence of Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto in Kertanegara 4.

"As far as I know, since we returned from Kalimantan, he has been carrying out his duties as mayor, so from Monday he has an office at the city hall. Preparations have continued, but he has not left his duties as mayor of Solo," said the deputy chairman of the PSI supervisory board.

"I have to check the technicality first, but he is ready, and I am really optimistic that the TKN team is all optimistic that Mas Gobran will definitely appear, will have a surprise," he continued.

The reason, continued Grace, Gibran is the only vice presidential candidate who has experience in the executive as regional head. So, according to him, President Joko Widodo's eldest son has an advantage in terms of policies that can be implemented directly to the community.

"So far, maybe not too many ideas have been explored, mas Gibran, but instead in various forums that are off camera as much as Mr. Gibran, there are many ideas and especially Mr. Gibran, the only vice presidential candidate who today has experience in the executive, right," said Grace.

"So Mas Gibran has the flexibility to manage the budget, to make policies that are directly solution to problems in their place. This will definitely be a comparative advantage by other vice presidential candidates who may not have experience in the executive," he added.

Regarding Gibran going to face President Jokowi before the debate, Grace admitted that she did not know. Of course, he said, as a child, Gibran would ask for the blessing of his parents.

"I don't know, but maybe if I don't meet in person, there must be communication, maybe I pray for my blessing. I'll check again," he concluded.

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