Chairman of the General Election Commission, Hasyim Asy'ari, said that the candidate for vice president number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka was the first participant to convey his vision and mission at the vice presidential debate at the Jakarta Convention Center Convention Center, Jakarta, Friday, December 22.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what needs to be known is that at yesterday's first debate on December 12, the order of delivery of the program's vision and mission was started by presidential candidate number 1," said Hasyim, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, December 21.

"In the second debate later, the program's vision and mission will begin by the candidate for vice president number 2 and the team," he continued.

The theme of the second debate includes the people's economy, digital economy, finance, investment, taxes, trade, management of the APBN and APBD, infrastructure, and urban areas.

Hasyim explained that the first participant who conveyed the program's vision and mission during the debate was in accordance with the serial number of presidential and vice presidential candidates.

Hasyim gave an example in the first debate, presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan who became the first person to convey his vision and mission.

Then, in the third debate, presidential candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo will be the first to convey his vision and mission.

"Tomorrow the third debate will begin by presidential candidate number 3 and fourth debate and so on," explained Hasyim.

In addition, continued Hasyim, the duration of the debate will go the same as the previous debate, which was 150 minutes, with a special duration of 120 minutes of debate and consisting of six segments. The format of the debate has not changed from the previous presidential debate format.

The chairman of the KPU said that the first segment of the debate would be opened with the submission of vision, mission, and work programs, then closed with the submission of conclusions by each vice presidential candidate in the sixth segment.

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