BANDUNG - Acting Governor of West Java Beyxi Machmudin asked for security at the Al-Jabbar Mosque to be upgraded to minimize accidents after on Sunday (17/12) last night a toddler girl drowned in the fountain pool.

Bey said that after he directly inspected the scene, it turned out that there was no security around the pool and no clear signs for visitors so that they were aware of the existence of a fountain pond that could endanger children.

"This is our evaluation, so that in the future the aesthetic number two, number one public safety. Earlier I spoke with the Head of the Housing and Settlement Service (Indra Maha), a kind of protection will be built to protect, as well as signs," he said at Gedung Sate Bandung as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 20.

Bey said that his party will also immediately hold a special meeting in the management of the Al-Jabbar Grand Mosque, considering that there are still several points that have not been optimized properly.

"We will discuss specifically Al-Jabar, how it will be managed. Actually, if it is managed properly, it will be good. Regarding parking spaces, there are also rooms that can be rented for business," he said.

Learning from this accident, Bey ensured that every development program carried out by the West Java Provincial Government prioritized safety in order to avoid potential dangerous threats.

"This is our evaluation in building public facilities. Both squares are like that. Later market revitalization must continue to prioritize public safety, lest there be unwanted things like this," he said.

Previously, the Head of Bandung Police, Kombes Budi Sartono, confirmed that there was a boy who had fallen into a pool at the Al-Jabbar Grand Mosque. The incident is said to have occurred on Sunday (17/12), around 19.25 WIB. However, the Head of the Polrestabes has not received any information about the chronology of the incident.

"A girl's gender, four years old, fell into a fountain pool in the Al Jabbar area, which resulted in her death," said Budi.

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