JAKARTA - Arriving at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Wednesday night, December 20, Panca Darmansyah immediately wore a prison uniform. He was declared to have recovered after recovering from a knife slashed because he wanted to commit suicide after smothering his 4 children to death. The police revealed that what Panca had done to his wife and children, as an accumulation of domestic commotion. Panca suspects his wife, Devi Manisha, has another ideal man (PIL).

The commotion gradually took a long time, even before the four children were killed, Panca had abused his wife. Again, this problem has a background for romance. Panca is jealous.

"Regarding the motive concerned (Panca) for committing his actions, it is suspected that there is jealousy or disappointment related to his wife. The person concerned is jealous of allegations of other people in the household," said Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Henrikus Yossi to reporters, Wednesday, December 20.

However, the police are still investigating Panca's confession. According to Yossi, investigators should not swallow Panca's confession raw.

"This is what we are still investigating. Of course we cannot accept this information rawly. But we must continue to explore, including in the examination of sister DM (Panc's wife) and family parties. " said Yossi.

To support the examination, Panca will be subjected to psychological tests and physical tests. Because according to Yossi, these two aspects are closely related.

"From the results of the examination of the National Police Hospital, we conducted an examination. We applied for an examination, both physical health and post-mortem related to health as well. These two aspects are concerned. As your colleagues see, the person concerned is in good health. So that the medical team can and is considered fit to undergo the legal process. " concluded Yossi.

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