YOGYAKARTA - The Regional Government (Pemda) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) will immediately evaluate the Decree of the Governor of Yogyakarta Number 419/KEP/2023 concerning Special Rental Transport Tariffs.

This step is the result of a mutual agreement taken at the Jogja Communications Association (PKJ) audience for online DIY taxi drivers with the DIY Regional Government at the Kepatihan Complex, Yogyakarta, Wednesday, December 20.

"The rules regarding this tariff have been ratified, so it cannot be if all of you want this Kepgub to be revoked. There is an evaluation process, because this also concerns the dignity of the DIY Regional Government as public servants. I myself will oversee the evaluation process in the future," said Acting Assistant for Government and General Administration of the DIY Secretariat Dewo Isnu Broto Imam Santoso.

In the next two months, the evaluation of special rental transport rates will be carried out with the DIY Transportation Service, online taxi drivers, and applicators.

Dewo explained that all articles in the Governor's Decree (Kepgub) of DIY regarding Special Rental Transport Rates certainly refer to the central rules above it, namely the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation.

The basic tariff that has been set at the DIY Governor's Decree is also the result of a coordination with several representatives from PKJ online taxi driver DIY.

"So I ask for time, let's evaluate together. Not necessarily this rule is detrimental to all of my friends. Who knows after it is implemented, this rule actually provides more benefits and benefits for friends," he said.

After the meeting, the DIY Regional Government and PKJ online taxi drivers DIY agreed that the evaluation would run for two months, one month later a joint draft preparation would be carried out if the results of the evaluation resulted in a change in the rules.

After that, one month later it will be used as time for the process up to the new DIY Governor's Decree.

In this hearing, PKJ representatives of online taxi drivers DIY Taufik expressed disappointment that his party felt that the implementation of the end of the basic tariff at the DIY Governor Decree No. 419/KEP/2023 did not involve them.

As perpetrators in the field, they feel the tariffs that have been set are still too low.

"We were indeed included in the first negotiations, but after that we were no longer involved. We have indeed sent three representatives, but the communication carried out is not an official meeting. That's why we came to ask for clarity," he said.

Representing other online taxi drivers, Taufik also asked the DIY Regional Government to facilitate their meeting with the applicator.

This is intended to prevent unnatural pieces from occurring by applicators which certainly have an impact on their income.

"We welcome if the evaluation will be carried out. We hope that in the future our fate will also be better and Jogja will remain safe and comfortable as a tourist destination," he said.

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