CENTRAL JAVA - The Central Java Provincial Government (Pemprov) has checked the health of public transport crews ahead of the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays.

Head of the Central Java Provincial Health Office (Dinkes) Yunita Dyah Suminar said the health checks on public transport crews were carried out sampling.

"The target is 75 people. Examinations are carried out starting from color blind tests, blood sugar, blood pressure, and urine checks," he said on the sidelines of a check at the Tirtonadi Terminal, Solo, Central Java, Wednesday, December 20, which was confiscated by Antara.

He hopes that as a result, no public transport crew will be found positive for using drugs or suffering from blood sugar.

"It affects him [the crew of public transportation] in carrying out his duties. While the high tension we recommend rest first, don't continue to carry out activities because it will endanger all," he said.

Moreover, he continued, at Christmas and New Year, traffic will usually be more crowded than usual, so the conditions will be tiring for the drivers.

Meanwhile, if the urine test finds a positive result, there will be further examination to determine whether the driver has taken the drug during the past week.

"The drug means not only drugs, but for example flu drugs that contain something that when a urine test is carried out, it seems positive, so it must be re-checked with specific indicators," he said.

He said that if there are still positive results, it is hoped that there will be further therapy or checks to find out whether the person concerned is indeed a drug user or taking a drug that increases stamina.

Regarding the examination, it was not only carried out at Tirtonadi Terminal but also type A terminal in Central Java.

"Yesterday we went to Tingkir, tomorrow to Pekalongan, several points, especially terminal A because of its most large position, and became a place of traffic for many public transportation," he said.

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