JAKARTA - The Bengkulu City Government (Pemkot) prohibits State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in its area from using official cars during the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays. "ASN cannot use official cars. In accordance with a circular letter from the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) that ASN is prohibited from using official facilities," said Head of the Bengkulu City Communication and Information Office (Diskominfo) Gitagi Raniputera in Bengkulu, Wednesday, December 20, was confiscated by Antara. Therefore, he continued, the ASN Bengkulu City Government which was proven to use official vehicles out of town during the long holidays on Christmas and New Year, was given a tiered sanction. "The official vehicle is intended to support the implementation of the regional government. So outside of that, the use of official vehicles is prohibited," he said.

Sementara untuk penggunaan di dalam kota, kata dia, harus dilihat kebijakan. "Kalau di dalam Kota Bengkulu, kami arif melihat. Tetapi dalam konteks kebutuhan individu, untuk berpergian jauh ke luar kota itu yang dilarang," ucapnya.Oleh karena itu Gitagama berharap agar ASN di Kota Bengkulu mematuhi peraturan yang telah dibuat oleh pemerintah serta tidak ada ASN yang melakukan pelanggaran karena akan berakibat teguran, bahkan sanksi yang akan berjenjang.Aturan tersebut berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri PANRB Nomor 87 Tahun 2005 tentang Pedoman Efisiensi dan Disiplin PNS dan Keppres Nomor 68 Tahun 1995 terkait penggunaan kendaraan dinas pun dibatasi hanya pada hari kerja.

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