JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate Ganjar Pranowo firmly denied that the issue of the social assistance program (bansos) in the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) would be removed if he and Mahfud Md won the 2024 presidential election. Ganjar called the issue a "gimic to scare" the people.

Ganjar emphasized that the current social assistance program has been running well and will continue. However, he acknowledged the need for improvement to be more targeted.

"That (social assistance) is the state's obligation, it's actually the state's obligation that is good, just walk. People get it (social assistance), we make it easy for them and they are right on target. They complained yesterday what A, how come B didn't get, so that's what we are working on," said Ganjar in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Tuesday 19 December.

Ganjar acknowledged that there were complaints from the public regarding inequality in the distribution of social assistance. However, he emphasized that this would be resolved to ensure that each recipient received assistance according to their needs.

Ganjar also explained the innovative program he promoted, namely the Sakti KTP program. According to him, Sakti's KTP will be an important instrument in making it easier for people to get help.

KTP Sakti yang saya mendorong itu untuk memudahkan bansos," ucapnya.

Ganjar gave another example that the Sakti KTP can also be used to get educational assistance such as the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) and health insurance through the Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS).

With one ID card, people can access various assistance services according to their profile and needs.

"So the story is that the Sakti KTP is a big data story with existing profiles and management for distribution," said Ganjar.

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