JAKARTA - Candidate for vice president number 1 Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) promised that he and presidential candidate Anies Baswedan would work seriously in leading the government if they won the 2024 presidential election.

If it turns out that the Anies-Muhaimin (AMIN) pair is incompetent in carrying out their duties as president and vice president, Cak Imin asserts that he and Anies are ready to resign.

"I am determined by Mas Anies, if elected, I will work all out and if it is not useful, I will be ready to resign in the middle of the road," said Cak Imin at the Slepet Imin event in Depok, Tuesday, December 19.

Cak Imin emphasized that the mandate as a state official is an extraordinary challenge. According to the General Chairperson of the PKB, the presidential and vice-presidential candidates must provide solutions to all problems faced during their tenure.

"There is no point in having the mandate if it is not total in service and providing solutions. In fact, we want this duet, this dual is a double that really gives a new color on how the government works and the future of Indonesia," said Cak Imin.

On that occasion, Cak Imin also revealed a number of campaign promises. Some of them are cash assistance of Rp. 5 million for each pregnant woman to business credit for young people with a maximum of Rp. 10 million.

Cak Imin claimed that his campaign promise and the presidential candidate Anies Baswedan, which was announced, would be carried out and have sufficient state budget to fulfill this promise.

This is because he claimed to have served as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives since 1999 until now. In fact, Cak Imin has occupied the position of Minister of Manpower and Transmigration for the 2009-2014 period.

"The year 99 came to be the leader of the DPR RI. In fact, in 2009 I became a minister. So, I know exactly that the intention of managing the budget is with sincere as well as political will," he said.

From his track record in the executive and legislature, Cak Imin claims that he has been able to map out sufficient budget allocations to develop government work programs for the next five years.

"God willing, what I say is not nonsense, but the country's budget is available," he added.

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