JAKARTA - Member of the expert Board of the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud, Anton Gunawan explained the strategy to be run by pair number 3 to create 17 million jobs which is a political promise. Anton explained the creation of 17 million jobs by targeting an increase in economic growth rate of up to seven percent each year for the next five years. "With an economic growth rate of 7 percent, we hope that 1 percent can absorb 400-500 thousand workers. That's why if estimated for five years the total is 17 million," said Anton Gunawan in a discussion at the Media Center Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, Central Jakarta, confiscated Tuesday 19 December. The target for the economic growth rate, he said, was not ambitious, especially to pursue Indonesia Gold 2045 at a time of the global situation and the demographic bonus which will end in the next few years. Therefore, he assessed that to achieve this target, the Ganjar-Mahfud pair would encourage productivity in various sectors of work that already exist, including strengthening in the agricultural and fisheries sectors.

Anton mencontohkan dari sektor pertanian, TPN memperkirakan akan ada peningkatan sekitar dua juta tenaga kerja di sektor agrikultur.Hal ini dilakukan pasangan capres-cawapres nomor urut tiga tersebut lewat peningkatan produktivitas di sektor pertanian yang tentunya akan membutuhkan tenaga kerja lebih banyak.

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