BOGOR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bogor Regency, West Java, received reports of 121 residents of Kalong II Village, Leuwisadeng, who were poisoned after eating food at the tahlilan event.

Head of BPBD Bogor Regency Ade Desire said the mass poisoning incident was reported on Monday (18/12) morning that happened to those who took part in the tahlilan event on Sunday (17/12) night.

At that time, people who were poisoned were immediately rushed to the local health center and clinic. Then some of them were referred to the Leuwiliang Regional General Hospital (RSUD).

"61 people have been sent home, 60 are still under medical treatment," said Ade Desire as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 19.

Meanwhile, Leuwisadeng Sub-district Head Rudi Mulyana revealed that this mass poisoning case had been designated as an extraordinary incident (KLB) because it involved hundreds of sufferers.

He explained, initially the Leuwisadeng Subdistrict Government received reports from people who were poisoned on Monday (18/12) morning, then his party conducted an investigation to record that 121 residents experienced something similar to symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Rudi said Leuwisadeng Subdistrict was tracking the cause of mass poisoning involving the local puskesmas and the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP).

"The taking of food samples for examination at Labkesda, handles cases of poisoning optimally to prevent death and referral systems in stages and carry out monitoring and evaluation so that the incident does not happen again," said Rudi.

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