Many Hoaxes Attack, Young Voters TKN Invite Millennials To Disseminate Correct Information Regarding Prabowo-Gibran
Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto/ANTARA PHOTO/Yulius Satria Wijaya/YU

JAKARTA - Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka's National Youth Voter Campaign Team (TKN Fanta) invited all millennial voters, especially supporters of candidate pair number 2 to provide correct information regarding Prabowo-Gibran on social media.

Deputy Commander of the TKN Fanta (Young Voter) Prabowo-Gibran, Ryano Panjaitan, emphasized this because of the many hoax news and slander that was directed at Prabowo and Gibran ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

"The most important thing is to provide correct information. Because there are many dictions, negative narratives, slander and hoaxes directed at candidate pair 02. Our job is for young people to provide correct information about Paslon 02," said Ryano at the Fanta Headquarters Secretariat, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 19.

According to Ryano, the current technological advances must really be used positively. Because he said, the rise of negative narratives and fake news on social media in the 2024 election process will hinder the progress of the nation.

"Want to be a developed country, it's a shame if you step down again. Because it's just a change of leadership, how long will we become a developing country," he said.

Ryano ensured that TKNPrabowo-Gibran would take advantage of technological developments to reach young voters using creative methods. For example, creating content contains the vision and mission of Prabowo-Gibran.

Creative by providing content that contains the substance it can be. And providing correct information to the public," he said.

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