West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Police Investigators named Brigadier TO as a suspect in the alleged rape case of a student with the initials PU (20).

"So, from the results of today's special case, we have named the person concerned (Brigadir TO) as a suspect," said Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Pol Rio Indra Lesmana in Mataram, NTB, Monday, December 18, as reported by Antara.

He said the determination of Brigadier TO as a suspect was based on evidence. There are at least two pieces of evidence that strengthen investigators.

"The evidence is from the results of the victim's post-mortem and witness testimony," he said.

The post-mortem results from the Bhayangkara Mataram Hospital saw the impact of the act that accused Brigadier TO of assaulting in the victim's boarding house room on Friday, November 24.

For the testimony of witnesses who confirmed the alleged forced assault came from fellow victims who had previously heard the victim's story about the actions of the suspect Brigadier TO.

In addition, investigators have also listened to the legal opinion of academic experts who concluded that Brigadier TO's confession regarding the act for reasons of mutual likes was not true.

"So, the element of coercion has been included in this case, which was confirmed by a number of legal experts who were also present in the special case title," he said.

With the determination of this suspect, Rio emphasized that investigators will continue the process of detaining Brigadier TO at the NTB Police Detention Center.

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