JAKARTA - The advocacy team of former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej alias Eddy Hiariej and two close people, Yogi Arie Rukmana and Yosi Andika Mulyadi, assessed that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) violated the rules in the process of determining the suspect in the alleged bribery case. According to the law, the petitioners submitted a request that the South Jakarta District Court be pleased to make a decision," said Luthfie in a trial, Monday, December 18. "Declare that the action of the Respondent (KPK cq KPK Leadership) who named the Petitioners as suspects without procedures is a juridical defect or against the law and declared null and void," he continued. November 24, 2023, which stipulates Eddy Hiariej, Yogi Arie Rukmana and Yosi Andika Mulyadi, as suspects do not have binding legal force and must be declared null and void. Meanwhile, the petitum requested by Eddy Hiariej, Yogi Arie Rukmana and Yosi Andika Mulyadi is believed; 1. Accept and grant the pretrial petition submitted by Petitioner I Prof. Dr. Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej SH, MHum., Petitioner II Yogi Arie Rukmana and Petitioner III Yosi Andika Mulyadi, SH for the whole. 2. Declare that the actions of the Respondents who named the Petitioners as suspects without procedures were juridical defects or against the law and declared null and void. 3. Declare Investigation Order Number: Sprin.Dik.147/DIK.00/11/2023 On November 24, 2023 which stipulates Petitioner I Prof. Dr. Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, SH, MHUm. as a suspect, Investigation Order Number: Sprin.Dik./149/DIK.00/11/2023 On November 24, 2023 which stipulates Petitioner II Yogi Arie Rukmana as suspects and Investigation Order Number: Sprin.Dik./148/DIK.00/11/2023 dated November 24, 2023 which stipulates Petition III Yosi Andika Mulyadi, SH, as suspects by the Respondent regarding criminal events as referred to in Article 12 letter a or Article 12 letter b or Article 11 of the Corruption Eradication Law in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code is invalid, and therefore the determination of the a quo does not have binding force according to law and is declared null. 4. Declaring that it is invalid and has no legal force to bind the determination of the suspects against the Petitioners by the Respondent. 5. Ordered to the Respondent to stop the entire series of investigations based on Investigation Order Number: Sprin.Dik./147/DIK.00/11/2023 On November 24, 2023 which stipulates Petitioner I Prof. Dr. Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, SH, MHUm. as a suspect, Investigation Order Number: Sprin.Dik./149/DIK.00/11/2023 November 24, 2023. Name Petitioner II Yogi Arie Rukmana as a suspect and Investigation Order Number: Sprin.Dik./148/DIK.00/11/2023 On November 24, 2023 which stipulates Petition III Yosi Andika Mulyadi, SH as a suspect.6. State the entire series of account blocking, prohibition of traveling abroad, searches and confiscation by the Respondents against the Petitioners or the families of the Petitioners issued based on the Investigation Order Number Sprin.Dik/147/DIK.00/01/11/2023 For Applicants I, Number Sprin. Dik/149/DIK.00/01/11/2023 for Petitioner II and Number Sprin.Dik/148/DIK.00/01/11/2023 for Petitioner III were declared invalid and ordered the Respondent to return it to its original state within 3x24 hours of time since this decision was read out. 7. Declare that all decisions or determinations issued further by the Respondent relating to the determination of the suspects against the Petitioners. 8. Restore all legal rights of the Petitioners against the forced efforts that have been made by the Respondent. 9. Punish the Respondent to pay the court fees incurred in the a quo case. However, if the Chief Justice of the South Jakarta District Court through His Excellency the Judge Examines another opinion, then we ask for the fairest decision (ex aequo et bono). The KPK officially announced Eddy Hiariej as a suspect. He is suspected of receiving up to Rp8 billion in money which was divided several times for a number of purposes involving a number of purposes involving PT CLM boss Helmut Hermawan. Eddy's first receipt was made after he agreed to provide general legal administration consultations over PT CLM's ownership dispute. At that time Helmut gave Rp4 billion. Then, he also received Rp3 billion to stop the legal process involving Helmut at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit through the issuance of a letter of termination of investigation (SP3).

Finally, Eddy allegedly used his power as Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights to unblock PT CLM in the Legal Entity Administration System (SABH) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. At that time, he received Rp1 billion which was then used to run for the Head of the Central Management of the Indonesian Tennis Association (PP Pelti). Eddy made this acceptance through two people as his representative. They are lawyers named Yosi Andika Mulyadi and Yogi Arie Rukmana who are his personal assistants.

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