JAKARTA - PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk. through the Muamalat Institut (MI) collaborates with Bank Aceh in the field of increasing the bank financing business.

MI Executive Director Anton Hendrianto said the synergy built by the two agencies was in the form of training for funding officers of Bank Aceh through competency in marketing Islamic products. To note, Muamalat is the first Islamic banking institution in Indonesia with almost 30 years of experience.

"The extraordinary commitment of the management of Bank Aceh in the effort to improve employee competence as well as a smart strategy to develop the company business in the midst of a challenging situation today," he said in a press statement, Thursday, February 18.

Anton added that the ability of reliable human resources is the key to business success, especially in creating banking product innovations in order to answer customer needs.

"I am sure that this effort will have a positive impact in supporting the growth of Bank Aceh's business and the sharia economy in general," he said.

On the same occasion, Bank Aceh Syariah Business Director Bob Rinaldi said funding or product funding is the core business of banking.

"The growth of fund products is very important in supporting the growth of our institutions, so that the function of banks as intermediary institutions can run well," he said.

For this reason, he hopes that the savings products owned by the company can continue to show an increase in activation and nominal value.

"This is our intention so that the financing sector can be more competitive and affordable for customers because it comes from the cheap funds collected," he added.

Bob is optimistic that every development made by Bank Aceh can contribute to the creation of a national sharia ecosystem.

"Collaboration between all sectors is one of the main keys in improving the sharia economy in Indonesia," he concluded.

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