JAKARTA - The National Campaign Team or TKN Prabowo-Gibran, asked all parties not to underestimate the Vice Presidential Candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka ahead of the second debate held by the Indonesian KPU. The reason is, Gibran continues to study Asta Cita or 8 missions in order to appear prime during the debate. It is known, the second debate (cawapres) will be held on December 22 with the theme covering the Economy (regional economy and digital economy), Finance, Tax Investment, Trade, Management of APBN-APBD, Infrastructure, and Urbanity. "We are sure that Gibran will perform well and prime. There is nothing to worry about, there is no need to underestimate on Gibran's ability," said Deputy Secretary of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, Monday, December 18. According to Saleh, program submission by Gibran when visiting areas is very easy for the public to understand. Because, he said, the Mayor of Solo does not use complex and difficult sentences. "If I hope that Gibran explains the program according to the segmentation of young voters. This young voter group is very significant and influential, "explained Saleh. Saleh explained, Gibran is often accompanied by a board of experts and experts ahead of the debate later. This is to help Gibran in deepening the material that will be debated. "This is part of humility. Because, no human being is perfect. Everyone needs to learn and discuss with others," said the Chairman of the PAN DPP.

Saleh considered that Gibran did not need to rush into debate. Because according to him, later people interpret Gibran as emotional. "Because, Gibran does good, he is often looking for mistakes," he concluded.

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