JAKARTA - Candidate for vice president (cawapres) number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka said the development of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) in East Kalimantan (Kaltim) was the beginning of equitable development in Indonesia. "If IKN is truly empowered, this will automatically expand its impact on Eastern Indonesia and others," said Gibran in a written statement, Sunday, December 17, confiscated by Antara. He explained, so far investment in Java Island is 53 percent, that makes the area the center of development today. According to Gibran, this condition has left many areas outside Java experiencing economic lag, the quality of human resources to infrastructure development.

Therefore, Gibran emphasized the importance of equitable development so that all regions have the same infrastructure strength.

Dia juga menanggapi tudingan banyak pihak bahwa Indonesia akan masuk ke era neo-orba atau Orde Baru era modern jika Prabowo-Gibran terpilih.Menurut Gibran, pembangunan yang tidak terfokus di Pulau Jawa justru jauh dari stigma kepemimpinan gaya orde baru. Karena itu, dia memastikan akan meneruskan program pemerintah dalam membangun IKN."Jadi, isu-isu seputar neo-orba hanya muncul menjelang pemilu, dan kami sangat mendukung pembangunan yang berfokus pada seluruh Indonesia, bukan hanya Jawa," tandasnya.

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