JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Operational Area (Daop) 7 Madiun asked residents to be more vigilant when going through a level crossing considering the frequency of train travel during the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays has increased.

"We urge all parties who pass at level crossings to be more careful and increase their vigilance when crossing the train lane, both guarded and not guarded, and prohibit people from doing activities on the railway line," said KAI Public Relations Manager Daop 7 Madiun Kuswardoyo in Madiun, Thursday, December 14, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the frequency of train travel during the Christmas and New Year 2024 holidays reached 106 trips. Consisting of 60 long-distance train trips, 32 "commuterline" Dhoho-Based trains and 14 freight trains.

That number increased from an ordinary day of only 96 trips, consisting of 50 long-distance train trips, 32 Dhoho-Comuterline trains, and 16 freight trains.

"The frequency of this train trip has increased because KAI operates additional trains during the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays," said Kuswardoyo.

Not only the number of train trips, in operating trains, the speed is also very high, which can reach 120 kilometers per hour at a number of points. Therefore, KAI Daop 7 asked residents to be more careful.

KAI Daop 7 Madiun noted that until December 14, 2023, 45 incidents had occurred at a local level crossing. Consisting of 23 accidents at a railroad crossing and 22 incidents on the train line.

Of the dozens of incidents, it was recorded that the number of victims who died at the crossing was 8 people and 20 victims died on the railway line. When compared to the accident in 2022, the number was lower, where there were 23 people who died as a result of an accident at a level crossing and 12 victims died on the train line.

He added, of the 23 accidents at a railroad crossing in 2023, it was recorded that 20 traffic accidents occurred that were not guarded, and three traffic accidents occurred at maintained crossings.

In the Daop 7 Madiun area, there are 213 railroad crossings, with details of 95 crossings maintained, 118 crossings not maintained.

"We always appeal to all road users to jointly obey the existing signs, and be more vigilant when crossing a railroad crossing, and not doing activities on the railway line," he said.

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