Bobby Nasution Invites Investors To Build Electric Vehicle Charging Stations In Medan
Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution (central) heard the explanation of the Director of PT Voltron Abdul Rahman Elly in the courtyard of Medan City Hall, Tuesday (12/12/2023). (ANTARA/HO-Diskominfo Medan City)

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution invites investors to build an electric vehicle charging station (SPKL) for electric vehicles in this area.

"So yesterday we inaugurated the SPKL which is a collaboration between the Medan City Government and PT Voltron," Bobby said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 13.

He said the SPKL in the Medan City Hall yard was only intended for official vehicles within the Medan City Government and the leadership of the Medan City Forkopimda.

However, this SPKL has not been intended for public electric vehicles because the SPKL aimed at the people of Medan City at large must go through stages.

"Later, we will see the stages so that they can become SPKL. If later there are those who want to charge their vehicles, in the future we can all see what is at Medan City Hall," he said.

He also said SPKL investors could already invest in Medan City, because electric vehicle users in the capital area of North Sumatra Province will grow from time to time.

Bobby said the Medan City Transportation Service, assisted by the Ministry of Transportation, would add Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Medan City next year.

"Dari total penyediaan bus, sekitar 30 persen di antaranya menggunakan kendaraan listrik. Jadi, perkembangan pengisian daya mudah-mudahan bisa tumbuh dengan baik juga," katanya.

Head of the Medan City Transportation Agency, Iswar Lubis, said the Ministry of Transportation was building a mass transportation service for the Medan-Binjai-Deli Serdang (Medangan) BRT in 17 corridors with a fleet of 551 bus units in 2024.

Of the 17 corridors, 15 of them are corridors and 468 buses are under the authority of the Medan City Government which manages them, while the other two corridors and 83 buses are under the authority of the North Sumatra Provincial Government.

"The total budget issued by the Ministry of Transportation for this level of BRT is IDR 1.9 trillion. For the provision of 468 buses, 50 percent of Ministry of Transportation assistance and 30 percent of the total fleet are electric buses," he said.

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