The Government Asked To Step In To Overcome Airline Ticket Prices That Crawled Ahead Of The Christmas-New Year Holiday
Photo by Alev Takil on Unsplash

JAKARTA - Commission V of the DPR highlighted the increasing ticket price for aircraft ahead of the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays which will disrupt economic growth due to the lack of public consumption in the air transportation sector. Air ticket prices are known to be quite expensive in recent times.

"The jump in plane ticket prices, which has doubled from several months ago, will create additional burdens for people who want to travel during the year-end holidays," said Deputy Chairman of Commission V DPR RI, Andi Iwan Darmawan Aras, Wednesday, December 13.

Based on information from the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), there are several factors that have caused the increase in aircraft ticket prices in the last two months. One of them is the increase in aircraft fuel prices or Avtur which is the largest cost in flight transportation operations.

The impact of the increase in Avtur prices is allegedly due to global socio-political conditions such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Hamas war. In addition, the high rate of rupiah exchange against the American dollar (USD) also triggers the price of aircraft tickets to soar.

Ahead of the Nataru holiday, the price of airplane tickets is getting higher so that the public complains. Iwan Aras asked the Government to find the best solution in order to support economic growth in terms of transportation.

"Steps need to be taken to ensure that people do not become victims of the uncontrolled increase in aircraft ticket prices," he said.

Iwan emphasized the importance of intervention by the Government in setting maximum price limits for aircraft tickets.

"We urge the government to ensure that intervention is carried out wisely, take a balance between protecting consumers and maintaining the operational sustainability of airlines," said Iwan.

According to the Legislator from the South Sulawesi (Sulsel) II electoral district, intervention from the Government through synergy between ministries will ensure anticipatory steps that can prevent the practice of increasing prices are unreasonable. Then also to provide clarity for the public about the set price limit.

"With careful policies and not hampering airline competition and operations, of course, we hope that there will be protection for the community in terms of purchasing power that will support economic growth," he explained.

Furthermore, Iwan supports the Government's plan to increase the number of flights in overcoming expensive plane ticket prices, especially to tourist destination areas. Because the number of flights that is slightly considered to be the reason for the high price of airplane tickets.

The lack of flights has resulted in insufficient travel needs for domestic tourists (wisnus). Due to the large number of enthusiasts, plane tickets finally became expensive.

"Interventions from the Government like this will be more healthy for market competition while increasing future economic growth," said Iwan.

Therefore, the Government is asked to immediately respond to public pressure in overcoming the high cost of airplane tickets. Moreover, said Iwan, during the Nataru holiday, many people will plan to travel.

"We together with the community are waiting for concrete steps from the Government to overcome the increase in the price of this soaring plane ticket," he said.

The security of passengers must be a top priority. This applies not only to air transportation, but also land, sea and rail transportation. Everyone must provide the best service for people who are going on year-end holidays," concluded Iwan.

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