JAKARTA - As many as two victims of the eruption of Mount Marapi are still undergoing treatment at the Dr M Djamil Padang Central General Hospital, West Sumatra (West Sumatra).
The two patients were a woman with the initials ZZ and a male with the initials AF. The two patients have undergone surgery and treatment for burns in the hospital's treatment room since being referred nine days ago.
"Until now, the two victims are still being treated at RSUP M Djamil Padang after undergoing surgery and treatment for burns. We are trying to give our best," said Director of RSUP Dr M Djamil, Dovy Djanas, in Padang, Wednesday.
Djamil said the condition of AF patients is currently quite stable. Meanwhile, ZZ has recently been moved to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) treatment room due to conditions of disruption and infection in the respiratory tract.
Patient-responsibility doctor (DPJP) who directly handles ZZ patients, Dr. Dr. Liliriawati Ananta Kahar, said that currently ZZ's condition is better than before.
“ Already better (ZZ patient). Yesterday there was an electrochemical repair and so on, then the problem was the infection which was quite severe,” said Liliriawati.
The Dr M Djamil Hospital Doctor Team will continue to make improvements to infections that occur in ZZ patients and their burns treatment.
He said that since the eruption of Mount Marapi which caused many victims, the management of Dr M Djamil Hospital has moved quickly to form a team of doctors for handling patients affected by the eruption, chaired by Dr Benny Raymond and DPJP Dr. Deddy Saputra and the Team.
"RSUP Dr M Djamil as an advanced referral hospital will make maximum efforts to provide services and monitoring for the two patients," he said.
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