The Malang Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Reskrim) continues to carry out an in-depth investigation into the suicide case that rocked residents of Boro Bugis Hamlet, Saptorenggo Village, Pakis District, Malang Regency, East Java.

Wahaf Efendi (38), a teacher at a public elementary school, allegedly invited his wife, Sulikha (35), and daughter, ARE (13), to end life together.

This allegation became stronger after the police found mosquito medicine, glass used for mosquito medicine, and a knife used in the incident.

The will message posted on the makeup glass also reinforces the police's conclusion that the three victims committed suicide. Police tried to detail the chronology of this incident, how the three were finally found in a critical condition in a locked room.

Information from residents stated that on Monday, December 11, the night before being found dead, Wahaf Efendi was seen performing the Eid prayer in one of the village mosques. This family is also seen gathering as usual in his rented house which has been occupied for 7 years.

According to their son, AKE, at night, they switched to their respective bedrooms. At 03.00 WIB, Wahaf picked ARE to his room, while AKE was left in his own room.

The next morning, AKE tried to call his parents and younger siblings repeatedly, but his parents' rooms remained locked. Feeling suspicious, AKE asked his neighbor, Galih, for help to open the door of the locked room from the inside.

After successfully opening the door, Galih and other residents found the room dark with blood splashes on the floor. Wahaf lay down with cuts to his left wrist, while Sulikha and ARE lay on the bed.

The police who arrived at the location immediately evacuated Wahaf to Dr. Moenir Air Base Abdurrahman Saleh Hospital, Malang. However, due to a deep knife cut, the 3 Sukun Elementary School teacher finally died.

In processing the crime scene (TKP), the police found evidence in the form of mosquito medicine, glass used for mosquito medicine, and a knife covered in blood. In the makeup glass, there is a will message with a black marker addressed to his son, AKE.

"Papa, Mama, Sister, go first Nurut Uti, Kung, Aunt, and Ombelajar who are good for money Papa Mama for the funeral, so one love you brother Papa"

Kasatreskrim Malang Police, AKP Gandha Syah said his party was still actively investigating the motive for this incident by examining witnesses, neighbors, and family.

A team from the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Malang Police Satreskrim and a companion psychologist also helped to provide psychological assistance to AKE.

"It is still being investigated, hopefully the motive in this incident can be revealed soon," he concluded.

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