JAKARTA - Director of the Debat for TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Budiman Sudjatmiko, claims that his party has achieved the target of winning the inaugural debate for the 2024 presidential election which was held at the General Election Commission (KPU) Office, Jakarta. "The target was achieved by Pak Prabowo to appear with calmness. So the principle of our debate, we are calm, we won," Budiman said at a press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 12, evening. Budiman said that Prabowo's calmness underwent a debate because the presidential candidate number 2 had experience in facing the debate. "Remember, Pak Prabowo has participated in the debate. Several questions have actually been asked to Pak Prabowo," he said. In addition, Budiman also mentioned that the entire work program and vision of the mission that Prabowo conveyed was also concrete. In the debate, Prabowo conveyed his commitment to eradicating corruption to the root, strengthening law enforcement agencies such as the KPK, Police, and the Prosecutor's Office.

Prabowo, said Budiman, also promised to improve the welfare of law enforcement officers so that they can work more professionally and serve justice seekers. "Those are aspects that Pak Prabowo is more progressive than the other two candidates. They play in the clouds that we never hold, Prabowo plays on land that we always step on. That's actually an experienced leader, who can present a grounded policy," explained Budiman.

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