JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate number 3, Mahfud MD said that only then did he follow up on the 2009 DPR's recommendation regarding the handling of victims of human rights (HAM).

"Yes, in fact, my response, since 2009 no one has been doing anything wrong, it's just me," Mahfud told reporters in front of the KPU office, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 12.

This was said by Mahfud in response to the response of presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto in today's inaugural debate for the 2024 presidential election. Prabowo, who was asked whether he would create a human rights court and clean up the DPR's recommendations if he was at that moment, replied that Mahfud should finish it because he was the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) in 2008-2013.

"Is anyone doing it? It's just me who did it," said Mahfud.

In fact, Mahfud emphasized that the investigation into the handling of heavy human rights victims in his era was recognized and received praise from the United Nations (UN).

"Including receiving praise from the United Nations after me, the United Nations officially praised Indonesia in resolving human rights at this stage," he said.

On the other hand, Mahfud emphasized that if later elected as the leader of Indonesia together with Ganjar Pranowo, he would commit to resolving cases of human rights violations.

"Yes, of course, of course. It's easy to become president. If you don't become president, it's difficult," said Mahfud.

Previously, Prabowo Subianto's presidential candidate was asked about cases of gross human rights violations by the presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo.

Initially, Ganjar said about 12 cases of gross human rights violations. Then Ganjar asked whether Prabowo would follow up on the 2009 DPR's recommendation regarding gross human rights violations, namely the incident of the forced disappearance of 13 activists.

Prabowo then answered by bringing up Mahfud MD, who at that time served as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, should continue the recommendation of the DPR because he was in government. Prabowo also asked that human rights issues not be politicized.

"Mr. Ganjar, you actually mentioned 2009, right? So a few years ago right? And this problem was handled by your vice presidential candidate, right? So what else do you want to ask me? I have answered many times that there are digital records. I have answered many times every 5 years if my polls are asked again about that. Do you know the data? Did you ask the Kapolda this year how many people are missing in DKI? This year. There were bodies that were found just a few days ago and so on, come on, Mas Ganjar, "said Prabowo in the presidential candidate debate.

Prabowo emphasized that he was committed to resolving serious human rights cases. He gave an example of people who used to be called kidnapping victims who are now supporters in his ranks.

"So, I said earlier I felt that I was the one who was very harsh in defending human rights. In fact, the people who were detained, who I said were now on my side to defend me, brothers and sisters. So the problem of human rights should not be politicized by Mas Ganjar," said Prabowo.

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