YOGYAKARTA The inaugural debate of presidential candidates (candidates) can be used as a moment to convey reasonable ideas and programs in order to attract unfair voters and swing votes in the 2024 election. So, what is the difference between unlawful voters and swing voters? Check out the full information below.

For information, the number of undecided votes in the presidential election is still quite high. Based on a survey conducted by the Kompas Research and Development Agency, the undecided voters reached 28.7 percent. This figure is quite large considering that the presidential election is only two months away.

Likewise with the swing voters. The Indonesian Survey Flow Institute (ASI) reported that the number of swing votes for the 2024 presidential election reached 44 percent.

Undecided voters are people who hide options or really don't have a candidate to choose in general elections.

In the survey, the undecided voters group can be detected through answers given by respondents who answer that they do not exist, do not know, or are confidential.

Undecided groups of voters usually come from critical middle circles who still want to monitor the development of each candidate. This group is not easy to attract, because they are generally mature, critical, and have many demands. Undecidend voters are very careful in choosing because that's why they also make choices in the last moments.

While swing voting is a term used to refer to rational voters who can change choices according to certain ideas.

Launching VOI, swing voters can also be interpreted as someone who in the previous election chose a political party A, but when the upcoming elections change to support party B.

From the above understanding, it can be concluded that swing voters are non-loss voters. In general elections, swing voters will judge candidates based on rationality and will not be affected by any relationship.

This means that even if the nominating is his family, it will not necessarily be elected in the election. This is because they will judge the ability of all candidates.

It is this vocal swing voters that will spur the candidates to compete in showing their best abilities. Because if you don't find someone worthy or capable of becoming a legislative candidate to a good president for the country, it could be that the swing voters will choose a goalkeeper.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, currently swing voters are dominated by millennials who access the internet a lot.

Based on the data, the number of swing voters continues to increase in each election. In the 1999 elections, the number of swing voters was 7.3 percent. This figure rose to 15.9 percent in the 2004 elections. Then, it rose to 28.3 percent in the 2009 elections, and to 29.1 percent in the 2014 elections.

Because the numbers are quite high, the undecided voters and swing voters group is considered the electoral god. These two groups often fight over pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates because they are considered to be able to make a big contribution to victory in the general election.

That's the information about different unlawful voters and swing votes. Seoga this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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