JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will develop a project bribery case at the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri said this step was taken because there were a number of names that appeared in the indictment and during the trial. Thus, investigations will be carried out to resolve the alleged rasuah. So, for the case of DJKA for which the KPK must continue to develop the case,' said Ali in his statement quoted on Tuesday, December 12. Then Agus Kuncoro, who is known as a person close to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Transportation, Ibnu and Edi Amir who also claimed to be Budi. Then also called Sudewo's name who is a member of Commission V DPR and businessman Muhammad Suryo known by the former Director of Infrastructure DJKA Kemenhub as a party of the police. Not until there, Dion also mentioned Wahyu Purwanto's name which he knew as the younger brother-in-law of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Commissioner of PT PLN Eko Sulistyo who were said to have close ties to Budi Karya as well as related to the double-track project KA elevated between Solo Balapan-Kadipiro KM 104+900 to KM 106+900 (JGSSS4). Against Ali, the KPK will definitely investigate the facts of the trial. Moreover, the names that exist appear in the indictment of the former Head of the Class 1 Railway Engineering Center for Central Java Region (Jabagteng), Putu Sumarjaya. ), Putu Sumarjaya..

In fact, the anti-corruption commission will summon a number of names, including the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi. But this summons will be adjusted to the needs of investigators. "If later the need to develop further will definitely be called. Including the Minister," he concluded.

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