JAKARTA - West Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Dofiri said that his party had removed Kompol YP from his position as Astanaanyar Police Chief. This decision was made following the alleged drug use of Kompol YP and dozens of its members.

"To those concerned (Kompol YP), of course they have been removed from their position as Kapolsek," said Ahmad Dofiri at Polrestabes Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, Thursday, February 18.

According to him, the West Java Regional Police deeply regretted the actions of its members who were suspected of being involved with prohibited items.

To that end, he said that the police are committed to taking firm action against their members who are involved in drug abuse so that no other members are further involved.

"Of course we will take firm steps and actions so that learning for others, do not get involved like that," he said.

Previously, YP Police Commissioner and dozens of its members had been arrested by the West Java Police Propam on Wednesday, February 17 for alleged involvement in drug abuse.

The West Java Regional Police Propam is still investigating the case, so that currently there is still no legal certainty about the case. However, Kompol YP has certainly been removed from his position.

However, the Head of the West Java Regional Police, Kombes Pol Erdi A Chaniago, ensured that services at the Astanaanyar Police were running normally. Other personnel who are temporarily led by Deputy Kapolsek are still working optimally.

"The wheels of the organization must continue to run, the system is already running even though some are not present," said Erdi.

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