JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo asked his staff to pay attention to the price stability of basic commodities, some of which, such as rice and chili, are still relatively high in several areas.

This is one of the points conveyed by the President in an introduction to the Plenary Cabinet Session at the State Palace, Jakarta, Monday, December 11.

"It is related to price stability, especially the prices of basic commodities. I think the rice, chili ones are still high," Jokowi said as quoted by ANTARA.

The President said there were supply and distribution problems related to the prices of basic necessities, because the prices of chilies in a number of regions had significant differences.see_also]

- https://voi.id/berita/337972/bebas-dari-hukuman-mati-3-anggota-tni-pembunuh-imam-masykur-divonis-penjara-seumur-hidup

- https://voi.id/berita/337952/suaranya-tergerus-di-basis-jokowi-ganjar-kita-turun-dan-lihat-sebabnya-apa

- https://voi.id/berita/337946/jokowi-pengungsi-rohingya-sementara-kita-tampung

- https://voi.id/berita/337944/disalip-amin-di-survei-litbang-kompas-ganjar-masih-ada-waktu

- https://voi.id/berita/337937/anies-bumn-tidak-boleh-matikan-swasta

- https://voi.id/berita/337929/dijuluki-alumnus-ugm-paling-memalukan-jokowi-boleh-boleh-saja-tapi-ada-etika-sopan-santun-ketimuran


"This is a supply problem, there is a distribution problem because in a province there is a cayenne pepper price of IDR 50,000, but in Java there are IDR 110 to IDR 130 (IDR 130). Please look at it in more detail," said the President. In the Plenary Cabinet Session attended by the Minister of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet and the leaders of state institutions, in general three things were discussed, namely the preparation of Christmas for 2023 and New Year 2024, the current economic conditions, as well as the evaluation of programs and activities in 2023.

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