JAKARTA - The Prabowo-Gibran Regional Campaign Team (TKD) of West Java Province socialized the stunting prevention program for presidential candidate pair number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka in Bogor Regency, Sunday 10 December.

The socialization of the stunting prevention program was held by the West Java TKD with the people of Bogor Regency. The Prabowo-Gibran program that will be socialized is, Lunch and Drinking Free Milk, as well as Nutrition Assistance for Pregnant Women and Toddlers.

Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Ravindra Airlangga, said that the socialization of the Prabowo-Gibran stunting prevention program is important for the people in Bogor Regency.

According to him, the younger generation of Bogor should be the generation that Prabowo's presidential candidate aspires to. Namely, a generation that is superior and ready to compete in the global competition arena.

"The Prabowo-Gibran program is relevant for Bogor Regency, because Bogor Regency has a zero stunting target," Ravindra told reporters, Saturday, December 9.

Based on data from the Bogor District Health Office, the number of stunting at the end of 2022 will reach 4.78 percent. According to him, priority programs for nutritional intake for early childhood are needed, so that the target of achieving zero stunting can be achieved. Ravindra emphasized that the Prabowo-Gibran program could be one of the efforts to meet the nutritional needs.

"It is very important that the achievement of the zero stunting target in Bogor Regency requires the cooperation of all parties," said Ravindra.

"We (TKD) have a free lunch and free milk program, there is also nutritious food assistance. There is even assistance for nutrition for children at the age of 1000 the first day," added Ravindra.

Prabowo-Gibran has made the Free Lunch and Milk program as well as the Nutrition of Pregnant Women and Toddlers as a flagship program. This candidate pair number 2 promises to realize this program if it is elected as president and vice president in the 2024 presidential election.

This program is an effort to realize the ideals of Indonesia Gold 2045 which has started the period of President Joko Widodo's administration.

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