JAKARTA - Social media practitioner, Irfan Wahid alias Ipang Wahid responded to the public opinion that the Vice Presidential Candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, was not ready to participate in the 2024 presidential election candidate debate.

In fact, according to him, Gibran is the vice presidential candidate who is most prepared to carry out the debate because he is the only candidate who has experience arguing in election contestation.

"I ask all of you, who is the vice presidential candidate who has the experience of the Pilkada? Mr. Mahfud Pak Muhaimin and Mas Gibran, who is among them? Mas Gibran," said Ipang at the Fanta TKN office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Saturday, December 9.

The former Deputy Director of Political Communication for the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin National Campaign Team (TKN) then compared it with the two candidates for vice president who became Gibran's rival.

According to Ipang, when he was elected Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD did not undergo a debate session. Likewise when Muhaimin Iskandar became Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

In addition, continued Ipang, the scope of the nation's problems handled by Mahfud and Muhaimin is also considered still inferior to Gibran.

Ipang said Mahfud only matters about politics, law and security. Meanwhile, Muhaimin as Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives takes care of the People's Welfare section.

Meanwhile, Gibran as Mayor takes care of all aspects of the problem. Starting from the welfare of the people, the economy, and so on.

"So I can say that Mr. Mahfud and Mr. Muhaimin are in charge of one field," explained Ipang.

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