JAKARTA - Candidate for vice president (cawapres) number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, blusukan to Cempaka Putih Barat Village, Central Jakarta, Saturday, December 9, afternoon. This blusukan is a series of campaigns for du Jakarta after visiting the Cilincing Flats this morning.

Initially, Gibran asked residents if they knew about the free lunch and milk program carried by the Prabowo-Gibran candidate pair (paslon). Residents admit they don't know.

"Has you heard of the free lunch program for children? This is specifically for school children," Gibran asked the residents of Cempaka Putih Barat.

Gibran then explained that the program is a free lunch and milk for children at school. The goal is to reduce stunting.

"Let the children get healthier, no one stunts. If they are healthy, their children are also smart. Can you absorb more what the teachers say. Do you agree with all of them, ladies and gentlemen?" asked Gibran again.

"Agreed," said the mothers who attended.

Gibran said that the free lunch program has been carried out in many countries and has proven to have a very significant impact. Because, he said, the free lunch and milk program is in line with efforts to achieve Indonesia Gold 2045.

"So, free lunch is already in 76 countries and the effect is extraordinary. Because we want to go to Indonesia Gold 2045, we have to automatically prepare the golden generation, yes, these brothers and sisters, these are small ones, you know. Yes, I agree, yes, ladies and gentlemen, free lunch at school, and milk too," he said.

The eldest son of President Joko Widodo ensures that the current government programs will continue. Such as Smart Indonesia Cards (KIP), Healthy Indonesia Cards (KIS) and others.

"Credit programs are also enjoyed by household women, Mekaar PNM credit, KUR (people's business credit), all continued," he said.

Gibran also asked housewives to calm down. Because, he and Prabowo promised to prepare all the needs of mothers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't worry, just calm down, we'll just prepare everything for housewives," said Gibran.

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