TANJUNG SELOR - Provincial Government (Pemprov) of North Kalimantan (Kaltara), under the leadership of Governor Zainal Arifin Paliwang and Deputy Governor (Deputy Governor) Yansen Tipa Padan have disbursed incentive funds to 12,438 teachers or education personnel in four districts.

The four regions are Bulungan Regency (3,087), Nunukan (3,371), Malinau (2,230), Tana Tidung (790) and one city, namely Tarakan City (2,960).

The incentive funds have been disbursed since three years earlier, even in 2023 the incentives for the educators have increased by 15 percent.

The Governor of Kaltara, Zainal A Paliwang, revealed that the increase in incentives for teachers and education personnel in the previous year was IDR 550,000, now it has increased to IDR 650,000 per month. This figure is projected to increase along with the increase in Regional Original Revenue (PAD) of Kaltara Province.

"God willing, if our PAD continues to increase, I will add more. This is part of an effort to reward teachers who have educated the sons and daughters of Kaltara to become great people," said Governor Zainal, Friday, December 8.

In addition, Governor Zainal continued, providing incentives is part of the efforts of the Kaltara Provincial Government to improve the welfare and competence of the quality of public and private teachers who devote themselves to Kaltara.

"The provision of incentive funds in accordance with technical instructions (Juknis) is given to those who have been educated with Strata 1 (S1). However, there are exceptions for PAUD teachers in the Disadvantaged, Frontier and Outermost (3T) areas," he said.

In addition, the main target recipients of this assistance are teachers and educators who have served for three years and are recorded in the main education data (Dapodik).

"The total incentive funds of around Rp. 100 billion allocated in 2023 are through the Regional Finance and Assets Agency (BKAD) of Kaltara," said Zainal.

The incentives were given by transferring to district and city governments. With details of Tarakan City Rp 23.088 billion, Bulungan Regency Rp 24.078 billion, Nunukan Regency Rp 26.293 billion, Malinau Regency Rp 17.394 billion and Tana Tidung Regency (KTT) Rp 6.162 billion.

"Distributed through special Financial Assistance (Bankeu) through transfer of funds from the Kaltara Provincial Government to districts and cities through the education office then directly to the accounts of each recipient," he explained.

The governor emphasized that all ASN who work as teachers in districts/cities get incentives, except those who are tasked with being covered by the province.

"The mechanism is that the regency or city proposes to the provinces and then the number is verified first. After it is determined it will then be distributed," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) of Kaltara, Deni, confirmed that the allocation of incentive funds disbursed by the Kaltara Provincial Government for the 2023 fiscal year was around Rp. 100 billion. Even at the end of 2023 (December) the realization has reached Rp. 97,016 400 000.

"In the period 2021 to 2023, the North Kalimantan Provincial Government has realized incentive funds of more than Rp 245 billion to teachers and educators. So there has been an increase since the last 3 years," he added.

Deni explained, in 2021 the Kaltara Provincial Government will realize incentives for teachers of Rp. 61,751,250,000. - In 2022 it will be Rp. 82,335,000,000, - and in 2023 it will be Rp. 97,016,400,000.

"For next year (2024) there will still be discussions on how much teacher incentive assistance is. What is clear is different in each district/city. Disbursement is also carried out every 3 months, meaning that currently entering the fourth quarter," he concluded.

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