JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives Kris Dayanti highlighted the List of Permanent Candidates (DCT) for legislative members in the 2024 General Election who did not comply with women's representation rules. The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) decided that the KPU violated the administration regarding the target of representing female candidates by 30 percent.

"I regret the KPU's administrative violations regarding women's representation by 30 percent in the election. Even though women's involvement is very important to avoid oligarchy in politics," said Kris Dayanti, Thursday, December 7.

Bawaslu is known to have made a decision on the Election Administrative Violation Case (PAP) No.010/LP/ADM.PL/BWSL/00.00/XI/2023 which concluded that the KPU legally and convincingly committed administrative violations of the General Election (Pemilu). The decision is based on a report from the Coalition of Women's Representation Concerned Communities.

The budget occurred because in determining 267 DCT DPR members in the 2024 General Election, the KPU proved not to enforce the provisions for women's representation of at least 30 percent in submitting the list of candidates as stipulated in Article 245 of Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections.

The reporter also considers that the KPU violates the procedures for implementing the affirmation of women's representation policies as candidates for members of the DPR in accordance with the provisions of Article 28H Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution. This follows the rules in KPU Regulation (PKPU) Number 10 of 2023 which regulates lower rounding if the calculation of 30 percent of women's representation results in a decimal figure of less than a coma of five.

The KPU once promised to revise the regulation after a judicial review decision from the Supreme Court (MA), but until the DCT determination there was no change from the PKPU regarding it.

Kris Dayanti hopes that the KPU will comply with the decision from Bawaslu which asks the KPU to improve the administration of the procedures for nominating the DPR RI by following up on the Supreme Court's decision. In addition, Bawaslu gave a warning to the KPU not to repeat actions that violated the rules.

"Bawaslu's decision must be used as momentum to ensure that women's representation in the political arena is not ignored," said the woman who is familiarly called KD.

KD also regrets the slowness of the KPU in following up on the Supreme Court's decision Number 24/P/HUM/2023 regarding the calculation of women's quotas in the legislature by rounding down for violating Law Number 7 of 2017. In fact, the decision was issued since August 29, 2023.

However, at that time the KPU only gave a letter to political parties to comply with the decision. The delay also resulted in the readiness of political parties in improving the list of prospective candidates in order to meet the 30 percent women's representative quota.

According to Bawaslu, this is evident in DCT members of the Indonesian House of Representatives from 17 political parties whose number of female candidates is below 30 percent. KD reminded that the 30 percent women's representation quota policy at DCT legislative members is considered an important step to encourage women's involvement in political life.

"Women have a key role in policy formation, and their involvement must be guaranteed by creating an inclusive political environment," he said.

KD also considered that the KPU's policy of not supporting women's representation in the 2024 General Election did not support gender equality.

"We've been screaming about gender equality, but the KPU's policies don't represent that. So I think we are a setback from Indonesia's democratic realm for support for women," said KD.

This member of Commission IX of the DPR said that the existence of women as determinants of state policies is believed to produce more pro-women and children policies. The large number of women's representatives, said KD, can support development progress.

"Women are development agents of a country. So far, we in the DPR also continue to support steps that ensure a balanced gender representation at all levels," he explained.

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