The Achmad Mochtar Hospital (RSAM) Bukittinggi, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) ensures maintenance costs, identification processes to the repatriation of the bodies of the victims of the eruption of Mount Marapi are free. "We deny any information circulating that RSAM collects the cost of managing the bodies of victims of the Marapi eruption. All are free and fully assisted from the West Sumatra Provincial Government according to the direction of the Governor," said the President Director of the Busril Hospital in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, quoted by Antara. He ensured that all the handling of the bodies to the treatment of the remaining victims of the eruption was fully borne. Deputy Director of the Bukittinggi Hospital Vera Maya Sari added that the disaster response conditions that had not been decided when the first eruption of Mount Marapi affected the delay of the cost-freedom decision. The first eruption of Marapi was known to occur on Sunday 3 December. "When the return of the body on behalf of Adan at the beginning of the process of identification of the body at the RSAM. We have not received any information on the status of the disaster. However, the victim's family wanted to speed up the administrative process and pay. We asked for numbers that can be contacted if there is a change in decision," Vera said. He said that generally hospitals have not been covered by insurance until they had to pay according to the rules. "As long as this is in accordance with the rules for the bodies not borne by our insurance, they are returned by transfer. It also applies to all victims who died and treatment so far," Vera said. However, for families of victims who asked for coffins, it was indeed charged because it did not include hospital services. "The exception of patients who buy coffins. Advised from outside hospitals and indeed charged for the outside of hospitals," he said.
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